



Achtemeier, Elizabeth. “The Artful Dialogue: Some Thoughts on the Relation of Biblical Studies and Homiletics.” Interpretation 35 (1981): 18-31.


    The Old Testament and the Proclamation of the Gospel. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1973.


    “The Relevance of the Old Testament for Christian Preaching.” In A Light unto My Path: Old Testament Studies in Honor of Jacob M. Myers, edited by Howard N. Bream, Ralph Heim, and Carey A. Moore, pp. 3-24. Philadelphia: Temple University, 1974.


Bjornard, Reidar B. “Christian Preaching from the Old Testament.” Review and Expositor 56 (1959): 8-19. Includes bibliography.


Blackman, E. C. “The Task of Exegesis.” In The Background of the New Testament and Its Eschatology: In Honor of Charles Harold Dodd, edited by W. D. Davies and David Daube, pp. 3-26. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1964.


Braga, James. How to Prepare Bible Messages: A Manual on Homiletics for Bible Students. Portland: Multnomah, 1969.


Bright, John. The Authority of the Old Testament. Nashville: Abingdon, l967. Reprint. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1975. Pp. 161-212, “The Old Testament in the Christian Pulpit: General Hermeneutical Considerations.”


Bruce, F. F. “The Earliest Old Testament Interpretations.” In The Witness of Tradition: Papers Read at the Joint British-Dutch Old Testament Conference Held at Woudschoten, 1970, pp. 37-52. Oudtestamentische Studiën, edited by A. S. Van Der Woude, 17. Leiden: Brill, 1972. Analyzes Old Testament interpretation in the Prophets and in Psalm titles.


Bultmann, Rudolf. Essays: Philosophical and Theological. Translated by James C. G. Greig. London: SCM, 1955. Pp. 234-261, “The Problem of Hermeneutics.”


     Existence and Faith: Shorter Writings of Rudolf Bultmann. Edited and translated by Schubert M. Ogden. New York: Meridian, 1960. Pp. 289-296, “Is Exegesis Without Presuppositions Possible?


Buttrick, David G. “Interpretation and Preaching.” Interpretation 35 (1981): 46-58.


Caemmerer, Richard R., Sr. "Why Preach from Biblical Texts? Reflections on lYadition and Practice." Interpretation 35 (1981): 5-17.


Chafer, Rollin Thomas. “A Syllabus of Studies in Hermeneutics.” Bibliotheca Sacra 91 (1934): 457-462; 93 (1936): 110-118, 201-203, 331-35; 94 (1937): 72-94, 207-217, 470-478; 95 (1938): 91-101.


Craddock, Fred B. “Occasion-Text-Scrmon.” Interpretation 35 (1981): 59-71.


Cunliffe-Jones, H. “The Problems of Biblical Exposition” Expository Times 65 (1953-54): 4-7.


Daane, James. Preaching with Confidence: A Theological Essay on the Power of the Pulpit. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980.


Dreher, Bruno. “Exegesis and Proclamation” Tanslated by John Griffiths. In Theology, Exegesis, and Proclamation, edited by Roland E. Murphy, pp. 56-66. New York: Herder and Herder, 1971.


Ensign, Grayson H. “The Correct Method of Biblical Hermeneutics: Its Basic Factors Identified and Described.” Seminary Review 24 (1978): 73-99.


Forstman, H. Jackson. “What Does It Mean ‘to Preach from the Bible’?” Encounter 21 (1960): 218-231.


Furnish, Victor Paul. “Some Practical Guidelines for New Testament Exegesis,” Perkins School of Theology Journal 26 (1973): 1-16.


Gowan, Donald E. Reclaiming the Old Testament for the Christian Pulpit. Atlanta: John Knox, 1980.


Graesser, Carl, Jr. “Preaching from the Old Testament.” Concordia Theological Monthly 38 (1967): 525-534.


Greidanus, Sidney. Sola Scriptura: Problems and Principles in Preaching Historical Texts. Toronto: Wedge, 1970.


Haller, Edward. “Όn the Interpretive Task.” Iranslated by Ruth Grob. Interpretation 21 (1967): 158-166.


Hanson, R. P. C. “Biblical Exegesis in the Early Church” In Cambridge History of the Bible, edited by Peter R. Ackroyd and C. F. Evans. 3 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge University, 1970. 1:412-454.


Hope, Robert. “Preach the Old Testament.” Theological Students Fellowship Bulletin (1970): 1-2.


Jasper, F. N. “Preaching in the Old Testament.” Expository Times 80 (1968-69): 356-361. Johnson, John F. “Analogia Fidei as Hermeneutical Principle.” Springfielder 36(1972-73): 249-259.


Jones, Peter Rhea. “Biblical Hermeneutics.” Review and Expositor 72 (1975): 139-147.


Kaiser, Otto, and Kümmel, Werner Georg. Exegetical Method: A Student's Handbook. Translated by E. V. N. Goetchius. New York: Seabury, 1967.


Käsemann, Ernst. “Protestant Exegesis on the Way to the World Church: Looking Back.” Australian Biblical Review 26 (1978): 2-13.


Kessler, Martin. “New Directions in Biblical Exegesis.” Scottish Journal of Theology 24 (1971): 317-325.


Klooster, Fred H. “Toward a Reformed Hermeneutic." Theological Bulletin 2 (1974): 1-16.


Klug, Eugene F. “The End of the Historical-Critical Method: A Review Article.” Springfielder 38 (1974-75): 289-302.


Knight, George A. F. “New Perspectives in Old Testament Interpretation.” Bible Translator 19 (1968): 50-58.


Kraus, Hans-Joachim. “Calvin’s Exegetical Principles.” Translated by Keith Crim. Interpretation 31 (1977): 8-18.


Landes, George M. “Biblical Exegesis in Crisis: What Is the Exegetical Task in a Theological Context?” Union Seminary Quarterly Review 26 (1970-71): 273-298.


Loretz, Oswald. “The Church and Biblical Exegesis.” Translated by John Griffiths. In Theology, Exegesis, and Proclamation, edited by Roland E. Murphy, pp. 67-79. New York: Herder and Herder, 1971.


Lys, Daniel. The Meaning of the Old Testament: An Essay on Hermeneutics. Nashville: Abingdon, 1967. Pp. 146-172, “The Appropriation of the Old Testament.”


McCurley, Foster R., Jr. Proclaiming the Promise: Christian Preaching from the Old Testament. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1974.


McKenzie, John L. “lProblems of Hermeneutics in Romair Catholic Exegesis.” Journal of Biblical Literature 77 (1958): 197-204.


Madherbe, Abraham J. “Αn Introduction: The Task and Method of Exegesis.” Restoration Quarterly 5 (1961): 169-178.


Mare, W. Harold. “Guiding Principles for Historical Grammatical Exegesis.” Grace Journal 14 (Fall 1973): 14-25.


Marrow, Stanley B. Basic Tools for Biblical Exegesis. Rome: Biblical Institute, 1976.


Marshall, I. Howard, ed. New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Principles and Methods. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1977.


Mayer, Herbert T. “The Old Testament in the Pulpit.” Concordia Theological Monthly 35 (1964): 603-608.


Meuer, Siegfried. “What Is Biblical Preaching? Exegesis and Meditation for the Sermon.” Encounter 24 (1963): 182-189.


Mezger, Manfred. “Preparation for Preaching: The Route from Exegesis to Proclamation.” IVanslated by Robert A. Kraft. Journal for Theology and the Church 2 (1965): 159-179.


Milavec, Aaron. “Modern Exegesis, Doctrinal Innovations, and the Dynamics of Discipleship.” Anglican Theological Review 60 (1978): 55-74.


Montague, George T. “Hermeneutics and the Teaching of Scripture.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41 (1979): 1-17.


Müller, Jac. J. “Exegesis and Kerugma.” In Biblical Essays: Proceedings of the Ninth Meeting of “Die ou-testamentiese Werkgemeenskap in Suid-Afrika” … and ... of the Second Meeting of “Die nuwe-testamentiese Werkgemeenskap van Suid-Afrika” ...., pp. 230-238. Stellenbosch: Pro Rege-Pers, 1966.


Murphy, Roland E., ed. Theology, Exegesis, and Proclamation. Concilium: Religion in the Seventies; vol. 70: Scripture. New York: Herder and Herder, 1971.


Piper, Otto A. “Modern Problems of New Testament Exegesis.” Princeton Seminary Bulletin 36 (August 1942): 3-14.


Preus, Robert D. “How Is the Lutheran Church to Interpret and Use the Old and New Testaments?” Lutheran synod Quarterly 14 (1973): 23ff.


Rad, Gerhard von. Biblical Interpretations in Preaching. Translated by John E. Steely. Nashville: Abingdon, 1977. Pp. 11-18, “About Exegesis and Preaching.”


Robert, André, and Feuillet, André, eds. Interpreting the Scriptures. Translated by Patrick W. Skehan et al. New York: Desclec, 1969.


Robinson, Haddon W. Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1980.


    “What Is Expository Preaching?” Bibliotheca Sacra 131 (1974): 55-60.


Rosensweig. Bernard. “The Hermeneutic Principles and Their Application.” Tradition 13 (1972): 49-76.


Sanders, J. N. “The Problem of Exegesis.” Theology 42 (1941): 324-332.


Snodgrass, Klyne R. “Exegesis and Preaching: The Principles and Practice of Exegesis” Covenant Quarterly 34 (August 1976): 3-29. Includes a brief annotated bibliography for New Testament exegesis.


Stevenson, Dwight E. Preaching on the Books of the Old Testament. New York: Harper, 1961. Pp.1-8, “The Old Testament and the Word of God.”


Stuart, Douglas. Old Testament Exegesis: A Primer for Students and Pastors. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1980.


Surburg, Raymond F. “The Moral and Spiritual Qualifications of the Biblical Interpreter.” Concordia Theological Monthly 22 (1951): 472-499.


    “The Presuppositions of the Historical-Grammatical Method as Employed by Historic Lutheranism.” Springfielder 38 (1974-75): 278-288.


Thiselton, Anthony C. “The Use of Philosophical Categories in New Testament Hermeneutics.” Churchman 87 (1973): 87-100.


Thompson, William D. Preaching Biblically: Exegesis and Interpretation. Nashville: Abingdon, 1981.


    “Text and Sermon: A Homiletician's Viewpoint.” Interpretation 35 (1981): 32-45.


Toombs, Lawrence E. The Old Testament in Christian Preaching. Philadelphia: Westminister, 1961. Pp. 13-36, “The Old Testament and Christian Preaching.”


    “The Problematic of Preaching from the Old Testament.” Interpretation 23 (1969): 302-314.


Trimp, C. “The Relevance of Preaching (in the Light of the Reformation’s ‘Sola Scriptura’ Principle),” Translated by Stephen Voorwinde. Westminster Theological Journal 36 (1973-74): 1-30.


Weingreen, J. “The Rabbinic Approach to the Study of the Old Testament.” Bulletin of the John Rylands Library of Manchester 34 (1951-52): 166-190.


Williams, Jay G. “Exegesis-Eisegesis: Is There a Di以下erence?” Theology Today 30 (1973-74): 218-227.




Bollnow, Otto Friedrich. “What Does It Mean to Understand a Writer Better Than He Understood Himself?” Philosophy Today 23 (September 1979): 16-28.


Cain, William E. “Authority, ‘Cognitive Atheism’ and the Aims of Interpretation: The Literary Theory of E. D. Hirsch” Coliege English 39 (1977-78): 333-345.


Caird, G. B. The Language and Imagery of the Bible. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1980.


Fuller, Daniel P. “The Scope of Hermeneutics.” Notes on Translation 51 (1975): 2-15.


Guthrie, Malcolm. “The Bible and Current Theories About Language.” Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 86 (1954): 50-60.


Henry, Carl F. H. “The Interpretation of the Scriptures: Are We Doomed to Hermeneutical Nihilism?” Review and Expositor 71 (1974): 197-215. Is followed by a response from Morris Ashcraft (pp.217-223), to which Henry then replies (pp. 225-227).


Hirsch, E. D., Jr. Validity in Interpretation. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University, 1967.


Johnson, Everard C. “From an Author-Oriented to a Text-Oriented Hermeneutic: Implications of Paul Ricoeur’s Hermeneutical Theory for the Interpretation of the New Testament.” Dissertation, Louvain University, 1977.


Kaiser, Walter C., Jr. “Meanings from God's Message: Matters for Interpretation.” Christianity Today, 5 October 1979, pp.30-33.


    “The Single Intent of Scripture.” In Evangelical Roots: A Tribute to WilburSmith, edited by Kenneth S. Kantzer, pp. 123-141. Nashville: Nelson, 1978.


Nemetz, Anthony. “Literalness and the Sensus Ltteraiis.” Speculum 34 (1959): 76-89.


Palmer, Richard E. Hermeneutics: Interpretation Theory in Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Heidegger and Gadamer. Evanston, .: Northwestern University, 1969. Pp. 60-65.


Wilson, Barrie A. “Hirsch's Hermeneutics: A Critical Examination.” Philosophy Today 22 (April 1978): 20-33.


Yoder, Perry B. Toward Understanding the Bible: Hermeneutics for Lay People. Newton, Kans.: Faith and Life, 1978.




Alden, Robert L. “Chiastic Psalms: A Study in the Mechanics of Semitic Poetry.’’ Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 17 (1974): 11-28; 19 (1976): 191-200; 21 (1978): 199-210.


Cross, Frank Moore. “Prose and Poetry in the Mythic and Epic Texts from Ugarit.” Harvard Theological Review 67 (1974): 1-15.


Cross, Frank Moore, and Freedman, David Noel. Studies in Ancient Yahwistic Poetry. Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series, 21. Missoula, Mont.: Scholars, 1975.


Culley, Robert C. Oral Formulaic Language in the Biblical Psalms. Near and Middle East Series. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1967.


Freedman, David Noel. “Prolegomenon.” In The Forms of Hebrew Poetry, Considered with Special Reference to the Cnticism and Interpretation of the Old Testament, by George Buchanan Gray. The Library of Biblical Studies. New York: Ktav, 1972.


Geller, Stephen A. Parallelism in Early Biblical Poetry. Harvard Semitic Monographs, edited by Frank Moore Cross, Jr, 20. Missoula, Mont.: Scholars, 1979.


Gevirtz, Stanley. Patterns in the Early Poetry of Israel. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization, 32. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1963.


Gray, George Buchanan. The Forms of Hebrew Poetry, Considered with Special Reference to the Criticism and Interpretation of the Old Testament. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1915. Reprint. The Library of Biblical Studies. New York: Ktav, 1972.


Greenstein, Edward L. “Two Variations of Grammatical Parallelism in Canaanite Poetry and Their Psycholinguistic Background.” Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Studies 6 (1974): 87-105.


Honeyman, A. M. “Merismus in Biblical Hebrew” Journal of Biblical Literature 71 (1951): 11-18.


Jakobson, Roman. “Grammatical Parallelism and Its Russian Facet.” Language 42 (1966): 399-429. Treats parallelism of the folk poetry from ancient Canaan, China, Finland, Turkey, and Russia.


Kraft, Charles Franklin. “Some Further Observations Concerning the Strophic Structure of Hebrew Poetry” In A Stubborn Faith: Papers on Old Testament and Related Subjects Presented to Honor William Andrew Irwin, edited by Edward C. Hobbs, pp. 62-89. Dallas: Southern Methodist University, 1956.


    The Strophic Structure of Hebrew Poetry, as Illustrated in the First Book of the Psalter. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1938.


Levin, Samuel R. Linguistic Structures in Poetry. The Hague; Mouton, 1962.


Loewenstamm, Samuel E. “The Expanded Colon in Ugaritic and Biblical Verse.” Journal of Semitic Studies 14 (1969): 176-196.


Lowth, Robert. Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews. Hanslated by G. Gregory. 3d ed. London: Thomas Tegg, 1835.


Lund, Nils Wilhelm. Chiasmus in the New Testament: A Study in Form-Geschichte, Chapel Hill: University of North CaroUna, 1942. Pp. 3-47, 94-136.


    “The Presence of Chiasmus in the Old Testament.” American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures 46 (1929-30): 104-126.


Meek, Theophile James. “The Structure of Hebrew Poetry.” Journal of Religion 9 (1929): 523-550.


Robinson, T. H. “Hebrew Poetic Form: The English Tradition.” Supplements to Vetus Testamentum 1 (1953): 128-149.





